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Extinguishing a burning tank or cooling a system

The direct aim of training in extinguishing a burning tank or cooling a system is to make trainees acquainted with rules of closing valves and cooling a tank on a burning system to stop fire from spreading and to protect a construction from heat radiation. An indirect aim is improving the trainees’ skills in arranging an extinguishing line and choosing the type of water spray for a burning object.


A burning tank training simulator is a typical fragment of a petrochemical system. It enables to stimulate a leakage from a gas system, a typical ground LPG container, which helps stimulate a leakage and ignition of a system at LPG stations and in household containers. It is especially important when learning how to operate water sprays while walking towards a burning system. In addition to coping with stress, the extinguishing of a container requires the current analysis of a situation and fast reactions. A system cooling plan teaches cooperation and builds trust towards other members of the rescue team.

The programme of the training includes

The training organisation

Place of training:
Flame 1Flame 2Flame 3

Contact us

The Training and Vocational Development Centre, Portowa Straż Pożarna FLORIAN sp. z o.o.
ul. mjr. H. Sucharskiego 71
80-601 Gdańsk, Polska

516 089 692

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