Training base

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Leakage sealing and disposal station

The new challenge for rescue services, among others, is the technical and chemical rescue.


Various substances, often very hazardous to health and life, are carried along our roads. It may be crucial for the life of many people to be able to behave in a proper way and seal a leakage very fast.


Our station consists of a vessel with liquid or gas as well as many types of valves that should be sealed depending on the situation. Liquid or gas leaking under pressure indicates mercilessly all mistakes or anomalies in the exercise.


The station enables:

  • trainings within securing a place of leakage and designating safety zones,
  • using proper tools, plugs, bands, pillows, or wedges to secure the place,
  • providing working rescuers with clothes and protective equipment in a proper way,
  • evacuating victims from a contaminated area and giving them first aid, and
  • decontaminating clothes and equipment correctly.
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Contact us

The Training and Vocational Development Centre, Portowa Straż Pożarna FLORIAN sp. z o.o.
ul. mjr. H. Sucharskiego 71
80-601 Gdańsk, Polska

516 089 692

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