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Petrochemical ignition with a hydrocarbon leakage training simulator

The direct aim of the training in the petrochemical ignition with a hydrocarbon leakage training simulator is to make trainees acquainted with rules of searching petrochemical systems in order to find a source of fire or failure as well as the specificity of hydrocarbon and flammable gas fires using various types of extinguishing agents.


An indirect aim is improving the trainees’ skills within the arrangement of extinguishing lines as well as choosing a type of water spray for a burning object.


The petrochemical ignition with a hydrocarbon leakage training simulator is a few-storey petrochemical system. It enables initiating gas system leakages as well as hydrocarbon leakages to practice walking on landings and ladders in special clothing using respiratory protective equipment. It is especially important while learning how to search petrochemical installations with the aim to find a source of fire or failure. During exercises, trainees operate water sprays to extinguish a fire while acquiring the skills of using the correct techniques and tactics of extinguishing, appropriate to the class of simulated fire.

The programme of the training includes

The training organisation

Admission requirements

Place of training:
Flame 1Flame 2Flame 3

Contact us

The Training and Vocational Development Centre, Portowa Straż Pożarna FLORIAN sp. z o.o.
ul. mjr. H. Sucharskiego 71
80-601 Gdańsk, Polska

516 089 692

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